In the episode The Lesser of Two Evils of the television show Futurama, the following exchange takes place:

Bender: Hey, brobot, what's your serial number?
Flexo: 3370318.
Bender: No way! Mine's 2716057!
  [Bender and Flexo laugh. Fry starts to, and then looks confused.]
Fry: I don't get it.
Bender: We're both expressible as the sum of two cubes!

Here is a program in C to find the cubes via brute force.

// Find the sum of cubes
// Last revised 11 June 2005

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

#define SN_FLEXO        3370318
#define SN_BENDER       2716057

int     find_summed_cubes( int sum, int *cube_1, int *cube_2 )
        int     c1, c2;
        int     trial_sum;
        int     trials;
        int     difference;
        int     offset;
        int     start_value;

        start_value = (int) sqrt( (float) sum );

        trials = 0;

        for ( c1 = -start_value; c1 < start_value; c1++ )
                for ( c2 = -start_value; c2 < start_value; c2++ )

                        trial_sum = c1 * c1 * c1 + c2 * c2 * c2;

                        difference = trial_sum - sum;

                        if ( 0 == difference )
                                *cube_1 = c1;
                                *cube_2 = c2;

                                return( 0 );

        return( 1 );

int     main( void )
        int     result;
        int     cube_1, cube_2;

        result = find_summed_cubes( SN_FLEXO, &cube_1, &cube_2 );
        if ( result )
                printf( "Couldn't stumble across the roots.\n" );
                printf( "Flexo,  SN %d = %d^3 + %d^3.\n", SN_FLEXO, cube_1, cube_2 );

        result = find_summed_cubes( SN_BENDER, &cube_1, &cube_2 );
        if ( result )
                printf( "Couldn't stumble across the roots.\n" );
                printf( "Bender, SN %d = %d^3 + %d^3.\n", SN_FLEXO, cube_1, cube_2 );

$ ./cubes
Flexo,  SN 3370318 = 119^3 + 119^3.
Bender, SN 3370318 = -951^3 + 952^3.

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